My first Photo Post

Monday, June 30, 2008

Nope, it isn't a sneak peek, since I wanna test this thing first to make sure I like how it is set up. But, they will demonstrate that you can get gorgeous, natural photos just about anywhere.

These were taken shortly after supper last Wednesday at the Zoo. There are actually some quite cool spots for pics there -- I always prefer capturing my little 'monkey' in a natural setting as opposed to studio. In studio I either get starstruck gazes (which are gorgeous too) or that "fake" smile. I will have to find a pic with that -- it is really quite -- shocking lol.

That being said, when families contact me for someplace to go to take pics, I usually recommend a family outing, where people can forget I am around and I can candidly take the family interacting as they are. Then, we can group for a 'posed' formal pic and it is usually much more successful (although, most people end up falling in love with the candid ones more then anything).

So, if you are trying to think of somewhere cool for pics, don't forget the zoo. Remember outdoors portraits are usually nicest as the sun is either rising (ahhh, early these days) or as it is setting so that the shadows are not so harsh and sun not so bright.

And well, kids will be kids, and they will tell you when it is time to move on to somewhere else to take pics haha. This is how Cassidy tells me

Posted by Ginger Thibodeau at 5:50 PM  


Hey Gin,

Great blog and GREAT pics ... I love seeing how you capture the true CASS :o)

Love You

Anonymous said...
July 1, 2008 at 1:02 PM  

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