Wedding Sneak Peek - June 28th, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
OK, so this will be my first sneak peek post -- and it is from a wedding, so it is also my first time giving sneak peeks of a Wedding. I told myself, I needed a rule of thumb for 'sneaking' weddings.. the rule I have given myself is no more then 10 sneaks! That isn't much when I suspect I shoot around 1000 images, but I just want it to be a little teaser. I will not be selecting my best shots, nor my worse (i hope lol). Since I want to give a sneak rather quickly to my bride/groom, I have opted for a real scientific way to pick the pictures -- pretty much close my eyes and point at one (my second option will be to have my 4 year old pic them haha). I have decided to not just plop some pics on here, but to kinda journal the day. Hope no one minds hearing me babble - but this is a blog afterall ;)
So, no need to drag this on any further --- here is a sneak from my Wedding on Saturday, June 28th, 2008! First off, I must say I was lucky enough to do this couples engagement session a few weeks back. I always love doing these as it allows for us to kinda break the ice and get to know each other a little more. After their session, I was so excited for their wedding to come! They are both great for the camera ;)
We started off the day with some Getting Ready shots. I met with the bride and her party at the salon as they were getting their hair and make-up done. The day, along with most this summer, had the air of rain coming on -- but we were lucky and for the most part, it was a beautiful day. This shot was taken after the hair was done and the bride was getting her make-up done. As you can see, I am a little sneaky with the camera and captured one of her wedding party framing up a beautiful picture :)After everyone was all done getting all glamored up (and I must say, they all looked absolutely stunning), we headed to the bride's suite to get into the gown (OK, I admit, I stopped for a quick bite. A photographer needs their energy you know haha). Upon entering the suite, I wanted to move in -- it was gorgeous and I knew would make for some great pictures.
Her flowers were absolutely beautiful and really popped off that amazing gown. Of course, I took many pictures, but here it is looking all ready for the bride to jump right into it :)Oh, but a hanger doesn't do this dress justice. Here is a little sneak of it in all of it's glory on the blushing bride who is gazing out the window. She is likely thinking about the upcoming nuptials or maybe watching for her father to get back and pick up the rest of the flowers that were left behind ;)
Since the bride is all ready and looking radiant in her gown, it was time for me to head over and spend some time with the groom. I arrived in time to catch the groom in the shower -- you know men, nothing like last minute preparations ;) Oh well, I do think he cleaned up pretty good though ;) Here he is as we all try to figure out how to get those boutonnières on without poking each other ;) This sounds like an easy task, but it is easier said then done. Luckily, I don't think there were too many casualties at the end of this task.
The men had been entrusted to carry both rings, so I took the opportunity to take some detail shots. This on in particular was set-up as soon as I saw the piano as I knew there was a beautiful pianist playing at their wedding and I thought it appropriate to set-up this shot to show off the rings :)
With the guys all ready and looking dapper, it was time to ask them for a group shot. This was one of the more formal / serious ones -- Don't know if the bride will be too happy with one of the ones where I asked them to crack open a beer ;) Poor groom was quite worried and grabbed an empty bottle instead (ahhhh, isn't that cute).
It was time to make my way to the church, take some shots as the guests arrive and prepare to watch (and shoot) the ceremony. I love to capture those candid moments as mother of the bride is eagerly awaiting the arrival of her daughter, the ushers looking all handsome bringing guests to their seats and of course, the moment everyone waits for --- the bride making her grand entrance escorted by her father (in this case anyways). Won't show you too much of the grand event, but here is a little glimpse at the bride and groom as they greet on the alter and get ready to do their vows / ring exchange.
Here is a nice close-up - I always find it so emotional at this time. You would think I have known the bride and groom all my life - I always get a little misty here and this time was no exception. Thank goodness I can hide out in the back to take these shots so no one sees me shed a few tears ;) I will be a mess when my daughter decides to get married (when she is 33 -- that has been the rule I have given to her haha).With the ceremony complete, and the day turned gorgeous, it was time to get some formal pictures. We did family shots over in Riverview at the Gazebo, and then met the wedding party on their own at another location. (By this time, I think they were nice and loose after a nice limo drive (and something tells me a drink or two was consumed lol). Here is the bride and her girls posing for the camera.
Well, if you have been counting, I have shown 9 pictures, and I told myself I would only show 10 -- which means, this last one has to be of the bride and groom together of course ready to walk off into the sunset and spend the rest of their lives together ;) I know it sounds cliché, but honestly -- these two seem so in love and perfect for each other. I wish them the best of luck together and hope that some day, I will be able to take their pictures again as their family grows. I was truly blessed and honoured to be a part of their day. I felt like part of their extended family -- the quiet one, in the corner, taking pictures when least expected (not as creepy as that sounds I swear)
OK... So, I have never been really good at keeping to rules. I have always kinda thought some rules are made to be broken. Since I am not showing any reception pictures, I had to show this one -- Hmmm, almost looks like they are pretty happy that the time for pictures is done and it is time to P-A-R-T-Y ;)