Sneak Peek: Cute little guys!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Last weekend, after my wedding, I had two sessions on Sunday with the cutest little guys and I thought I would show a sneak of the sessions while I am proofing the remainder of my sessions from the week before and starting on the June 28 Wedding full proofing! (Did another wedding this weekend, so be on look-out for sneaks of that)Now this little guy looked like he stepped right out of a gap commercial and wow, he was full of energy ;) We managed to keep him seated for a few family shots (which are always really hard between the ages of 1-3 to get done as anyone who has children this age can attest to the fact that sitting still doesn't happen a whole lot lol)
He gave me a run for my money, and was bribed with a sucker (which I think turned out for some really cute pics), but I think we really managed to capture his personality in the session plus got some real cute ones of him without the sucker like this one. Doesn't he look angelic ;) . Can't wait to finish proofing them!
My 2nd session was with a little guy that I have been seeing grow in front of my eyes ;) I did his Mom's Maternity pics, his newborn session and Christmas pics as well... it had been a while since I took pics of him, and wow, he is growing into a real little man! Absolutely adorable guy! He was all smiles all the time!
My favorite thing to do to celebrate 1 Year pics is what we call the 'cake smash' and I don't quite think I have seen it done as well as he did! He polished off EVERYTHING and sat there amused with the whole experience! By the end, he was covered from head to toe and looked oh so sweet (pun indented). Here he is about midway through his cake!