Wedding Sneak - 08.02
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Well, it wasn't the most beautiful day outside for an outdoor wedding, but the rain did hold out and only lightly drizzle at times to still make for a beautiful day to get married. We still even managed to get outdoor pictures although, it was a little chilly out there! Here is my share from my First Outdoor Wedding - enjoy :)
For this day, I was only set to take formals and the ceremony shots -- but I couldn't help as I got there a spot early to steal the rings and set-up some cool ring shots. Here you will see the rings (aren't they gorgeous) on the flowers and on a bible I found sitting right there on the table -- maybe even ready for the ceremony ;)
Once all the finishing touches were done - The bride made a grand entrance as the groom patiently waited downstairs. Here is a shot just after she came down.
We headed outside to take some formals pics. We had to work quick outside as the ground was wet and it was a tad bit on the chilly side. However, we did manage to get a lot of shots outdoors (as well as some nice indoor shots as well) -- Here are a few that I will share for now :)
Before the Ceremony, we snuck out to an interesting little Bed and Breakfast for a few shots.
Finally, all the pictures were out of the way and there was a bit of time for the bride and groom to relax before the nuptials under the tent. The last few pics are of the ceremony - enjoy!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I am sorry, no description on these right now -- just finished a back-to-back wedding weekend and wanted to get caught up on some sneaks for clients since I am so behind!Session #2
Session #3
Session #4
Session #5
Session #6
Wedding Sneaks: July 26th
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Time for another sneak into a Wedding - This one was July 26th just after I got back from Toronto. The girls met early on a nice hot, humid day at the Razor's Edge for hair amd make-up. Here is a shot of the bride as she was getting her make-up applied :)
Since it was early morning and the ceremony wasn't until suppertime, there was a nice break in between and I joined the bride, her daughter and her MOH at their house to freshen up and get that gown on :) Here is a shot as she is all dressed giving her beautiful little girl a kiss before they left for the Big Ceremony :)
The Ceremony was done in front of their friends and family at the Press Club. Here is a shot as they begin exchanging their vows. And a nice close-up of their hands united together.
After the ceremony, we jetted out to take some formal pictures in the heat of the day. Wow, it was hot, so we scoured around so we could find some decent shade to use :) Here is the Bride and Groom as we quickly move through the photos so we can get out of the sun ;) Aren't they cute?
I was able to bribe them into kissing a little so I could sneak a few shots :)
I can't say enough how absolutely gorgeous the Bride's children were -- and very eager to participate in the day as they welcomed the Groom officially into their family. Her daughter looked like a little princess and I pity the Bride when she hits her teens as she will most definitely have a lot of boys calling ;)
Her son -- wow, I hope that he continues to be as sweet as he is now when he grows up -- Absolutely the nicest young man. You should have seen him help serve, clean, and say some really sweet words during the reception.
The time for formals was finally finished! Check out the great ride the Bride hitched on her way back to the reception! Must be nice ;) The poor photographer was left walking ;)
Last but not least, we must include a shot of the First Dance. I love this shot as it really shows the height difference between the two -- he was incredibly tall and she is a petite little thing, but they look oh so cute together ;)
Another Pregnancy Sneak!
Well, I certainly have been keeping myself busy with the circle of life - Weddings, Pregnancies and Babies lol. Here are a few sneaks for this great couple expecting their first addition to their family :)
Session Sneaks
Thursday, August 7, 2008
OK, I will start off by saying, this little one had the most infectious smile I have ever seen! She is a darling! I could steal her and do pictures of her all day I think! We had a session for her, and then she stayed for a session with her new baby cousin (and her other baby cousin) and even though it was a long day (two sessions -- I know I was tired lol) she still managed to have a smile on! So, I will share pics from both session -- you judge for yourself lol.
Another adorable shot, I must have about 200 great shots of her! Here she is playing with her beads and since it is her bday we needed balloons too (You should see her with the cake, waaaaaay too precious!)
Here are the cousins, you may recognize the baby girl from a previous sneak peek and I did the Maternity pics of the mother of the new baby boy. Adorable cousins don't ya think?
Now, I have millions of other pics from session #2 of all different kinds of family arrangements since we had all the cousins, the grandparents etc. But, I chose to show the baby and his beautiful parents in my sneaks. Gotta keep some pics a surprise don't I ;) Here is Mommy and Baby -- I only wish I looked that good 2 weeks after having Cassidy (or for that matter, two months even lol)
Here is the proud papa -- the baby was oh so nice and mellow during this whole session and there were a TON of people around. Doesn't he look nice and relaxed? Couldn't get him to sleep much, but no complaint as he was just perfect awake!
And last but not least, we must show just how tiny and cute he is all snuggled up in my blanket and basket! Maybe Mom should bring one home with her :)
Another Session Sneak
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The day was beautiful, slightly overcast -- perfect for pictures -- until oh say 10 mins before the sessions when it started to drizzle. This family braved the spurts of rain which I think paid off in some really great pictures :) What a perfect little family!The two little girls were absolutely adorable -- the youngest wasn't much interested in pictures, but we still managed to get her smiling and into some shots as she played through the park. Check out her eyes -- captivating!
And the older of the two -- she was so much fun to take pictures of and equally as adorable! She was full of smiles and laughs -- it was hard to pick just one to give a sneak peek :)
Time for another Wedding Sneak - 07.12.2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I am starting to catch up and completed a full proofing of a wedding and well underway on another so I thought I would take a bit of time and post some sneaks from my 07.12 wedding :)
OK, I don't know if I am kindred spirits with the Bride and her friend-- but let me tell ya, listening to their music selection as they were getting ready was a real BLAST from the PAST :) I can honestly say that I have met my rival rapper as we belted out the lyrics to ICE ICE BABY lol. Wedding Prep was never so much fun ;)So, not sure if it was before my Vanilla Ice rendition or after, but I managed to snap back to 2008 and sneak off to take some pics of her flowers and rings as they were continuing to get ready upstairs :) Here is a shot of her rings in the beautiful bridal bouquet - stunning aren't they?
Since the girls weren't all ready yet and were going to wait for me to get the gown on, I jetted over to where the Groom was getting ready so I could snap some shots of them :) Here, the Best Man is figuring out quite nicely how to get that boutonnière on without drawing blood ;)
Before I left, we did a group shot of all the men -- Very sunny out, and I didn't want to cook them in the sun too long so we got this quick snap and I let them off the hook to go relax a bit before they head on their way.
Oh, and of course, we needed a shot of the groom in front of his rig with the sun shinning onto it making it look so shiny and clean (Groom isn't looking too bad either haha) :)
Time to head back to the Bride and witness the finishing touches to her hair and slip into her gorgeous gown.
Time for one toast before heading over to the ceremony - what a great bunch of girls -- a few nice words, a little tears and lots of laughs. We finished up just in time and the limo was waiting to take them to the ceremony :)
After a little delayed arrival, the ceremony was finally underway. I hope the bride doesn't get too mad me posting this picture, but i just had to :P Chalk it up to nerves, but the bride during her vows got the giggles ;) It was way too cute although I am not sure what he thought of the timing lol.
And of course, I have to include a beautiful picture of "the KISS" :)
After the ceremony, we headed to Victoria Park for some formal pictures. Seeing as things were a little delayed, we worked quick so that the wedding party didn't have to walk back to Crystal Palace ;)
Last but not least, the formality was over, and it was time to party @ the reception. Lots of laughs were had :)
And before I can finish this off, I need to show a shot of the beautiful Bride and Groom dancing their first dance. Makes me wanna get married all over again ;)