Wedding Sneak - 08.02

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Well, it wasn't the most beautiful day outside for an outdoor wedding, but the rain did hold out and only lightly drizzle at times to still make for a beautiful day to get married. We still even managed to get outdoor pictures although, it was a little chilly out there! Here is my share from my First Outdoor Wedding - enjoy :)

For this day, I was only set to take formals and the ceremony shots -- but I couldn't help as I got there a spot early to steal the rings and set-up some cool ring shots. Here you will see the rings (aren't they gorgeous) on the flowers and on a bible I found sitting right there on the table -- maybe even ready for the ceremony ;)

Once all the finishing touches were done - The bride made a grand entrance as the groom patiently waited downstairs. Here is a shot just after she came down.

We headed outside to take some formals pics. We had to work quick outside as the ground was wet and it was a tad bit on the chilly side. However, we did manage to get a lot of shots outdoors (as well as some nice indoor shots as well) -- Here are a few that I will share for now :)

Before the Ceremony, we snuck out to an interesting little Bed and Breakfast for a few shots.
Finally, all the pictures were out of the way and there was a bit of time for the bride and groom to relax before the nuptials under the tent. The last few pics are of the ceremony - enjoy!

Posted by Ginger Thibodeau at 5:50 AM  


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