Time for another Wedding Sneak - 07.12.2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I am starting to catch up and completed a full proofing of a wedding and well underway on another so I thought I would take a bit of time and post some sneaks from my 07.12 wedding :)
OK, I don't know if I am kindred spirits with the Bride and her friend-- but let me tell ya, listening to their music selection as they were getting ready was a real BLAST from the PAST :) I can honestly say that I have met my rival rapper as we belted out the lyrics to ICE ICE BABY lol. Wedding Prep was never so much fun ;)So, not sure if it was before my Vanilla Ice rendition or after, but I managed to snap back to 2008 and sneak off to take some pics of her flowers and rings as they were continuing to get ready upstairs :) Here is a shot of her rings in the beautiful bridal bouquet - stunning aren't they?
Since the girls weren't all ready yet and were going to wait for me to get the gown on, I jetted over to where the Groom was getting ready so I could snap some shots of them :) Here, the Best Man is figuring out quite nicely how to get that boutonnière on without drawing blood ;)
Before I left, we did a group shot of all the men -- Very sunny out, and I didn't want to cook them in the sun too long so we got this quick snap and I let them off the hook to go relax a bit before they head on their way.
Oh, and of course, we needed a shot of the groom in front of his rig with the sun shinning onto it making it look so shiny and clean (Groom isn't looking too bad either haha) :)
Time to head back to the Bride and witness the finishing touches to her hair and slip into her gorgeous gown.
Time for one toast before heading over to the ceremony - what a great bunch of girls -- a few nice words, a little tears and lots of laughs. We finished up just in time and the limo was waiting to take them to the ceremony :)
After a little delayed arrival, the ceremony was finally underway. I hope the bride doesn't get too mad me posting this picture, but i just had to :P Chalk it up to nerves, but the bride during her vows got the giggles ;) It was way too cute although I am not sure what he thought of the timing lol.
And of course, I have to include a beautiful picture of "the KISS" :)
After the ceremony, we headed to Victoria Park for some formal pictures. Seeing as things were a little delayed, we worked quick so that the wedding party didn't have to walk back to Crystal Palace ;)
Last but not least, the formality was over, and it was time to party @ the reception. Lots of laughs were had :)
And before I can finish this off, I need to show a shot of the beautiful Bride and Groom dancing their first dance. Makes me wanna get married all over again ;)